I’m very excited to be involved in my very first blog hop. I’m teaming up with Jasmine over at Buzzing With Mrs McClain to tell you about something you oughta know! And that is… Math Speed Challenges on the Top Marks website!
This is a mental math challenge against the clock! Each math speed challenge gives the students 10 questions to answer. They are ideal for displaying on an interactive whiteboard or students can access the challenges on computers or tablets.
Select the Mental Math Topic
First you must choose the area of mental maths and there is wide range of topics from number through to fractions and measures.

The next screen takes you through to more specific areas within the chosen topic so you can choose the level suited to abilities of the students in your class. On this page you must also select the length of time the students will have to answer each question. This ranges from 2 second to 20 seconds. I love decreasing the time my students have to answer the questions over the course of a teaching unit and watching how their mental recall skills have improved.
The Challenge!
When you click on each of the specific math speed challenges the questions will start. I usually get my students to record their answers on mini whiteboards with a dry wipe pen.
Next the answer page will be displayed. You have to click on each question to reveal the answers, so you can reveal them one at a time. I usually get my students to mark their own work.

Great Time Filler
You can use this anytime during the school day. It is great to use for a mental warm up in a math lesson or if you have a spare couple of minutes before lunch! It really does help the students to practise their mental calculation and recall skills and it is great watching them get quicker at the challenges over time. So why not check the site out? I hope you find it as useful as I have!